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How does it work?

The treatment is carried using air pressure to push the filler in to the required area.  The device used is a Hyaluron Pen.


Is it safe?

This method is extremely safe and carries less risk of infection than needle fillers as no foreign objects are entering the skin.


What filler is used?

The fillers used is hyaluronic acid, this is the same filler as with regular needle fillers.  At Opal Beauty the brands of choice are Revolax or Dermalax.  Other brands such as Juvederm are available however the price will vary.


How is this different from other needle fillers?

Everything is exactly the same as with regular needle fillers, however this is administered with air pressure and so less risk of infection, very minimal (if any) swelling, less risk of bruising and pain free.  The fillers will also last the same amount of time as if administered with a needle.




Does it hurt?

Microblading is placing small incisions into the skin, however the area will be numbed with a numbing cream and topical anaesthesia.  This will done prior to starting the treatment and also as and when required during treatment to keep you feeling comfortable throughout the process.


Can anyone have this treatment?

Microblading is a form of tattooing and so is only available to those over the age of 18.  Most people over the age of 18 can have the treatment, although different skin types take differently to the treatment and it may last longer and take better o some people than others, resulting in colour boosts being more or less frequently.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you will not be able to undergo the treatment.


How long does it take?

The consultation will take approximately 30-40 minutes.  At consultation I will carry out a patch test and we will also decide together on  the method, colour and shape of your new brows. 

Then on the day of treatment I will confirm with you that you are happy with everything and make any changes you require.  The microblading process will then take approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours.

The top up session will take approximately 90 minutes depending on how your brows have healed and if there are any changes you wish to make.


How long does it last?

Microblading is semi permanent and can last up to 3 years, it will fade over time and so colour boosts are recommended after approximately 12 months.  Each person however is different and the brows may fade quicker on some skin types, such as those with oily skin.  You should also take care when out in the sun and use total sunblock on your brows to help avoid them fading.



Does it hurt, will I feel them?

The lashes are glued to your eyelashes and do not touch your skin.  Applied properly you should hardly feel them.  This can be a relaxing treatment with many clients even falling asleep!


Will they damage my natural lashes?

No, contrary to many beliefs, they do not actually cause eyelash damage.  The lashes are very light and qualified Lash Technicians such as myself have been trained to apply only the safe weight and amount of lashes which your own lash can hold.  It may be that a look you are after is not suitable for your lashes but this will not stop you from having as close to that look as possible.


How long will they last?

Your natural lashes shed approximately every 90 days and the extensions will fall out with your natural lash once it has reached the end of its cycle.  Following the correct aftercare and maintenance your lashes should last.  Infills are required every 2-4 weeks however to keep your lashes looking full.  You must not pick your lashes as this could cause lash damage and even cause damage to the follicle.  Always see a qualified Lash Technician for removal.



Does it hurt?

No, this procedure does not hurt, using a surgical blade the top layer of dead skin cells and vellus hair is gently removed.  This can be a very relaxing treatment.


How often should this treatment be carried out?

The benefits of the treatment can be noticeable from the first treatment, however over time the benefits become even more noticeable and it is recommended that the treatment be carried out every 4 weeks.


Will the hair grow back thicker and darker?

This is one of the most common questions and the answer is simply no.  It is not in the follicles DNA to grow back darker or thicker as it is only the fine vellus hair that is removed.


Can anyone have it done?

This treatment is suitable for most people, however those with active acne or very dark thick facial hair are not suitable candidates.


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